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Alte Neuigkeiten Archiv: Juni 1997

Alte Neuigkeiten Archiv


Alte Neuigkeiten Archiv

Juni 1997

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  • [27 Juni 97] Sutta added and indexed:


  • To Kevatta (Kevatta Sutta, DN 11). On the role of miracles and conversations with heavenly beings as a possible basis for faith and belief.
  • [23 Juni 97] Link Added:


  • Buddhasasana

(A Buddhist Home Page by Binh Anson) has a nice collection of articles and translations from Theravada Buddhism. </ul>

  • [22 Juni 97] New books from BPS:


  • The Dhamma Theory

(Y. Karunadasa; BPS Wheel #412, 1996)

  • Nibbana as Living Experience/The Buddha & the Arahant

(Lily de Silva; BPS Wheel #407, 1996)

  • A Treatise on the Paramis

(Acariya Dhammapala; BPS Wheel #409/411, 1996) </ul>Link added: <ul>

  • Nalanda Center for Buddhist Studies & Meditation

(Belo Horizonte, Brazil) </ul>

  • [17 Juni 97] Sutta added and indexed:


  • The Fruits of the Contemplative Life (Sama&ntilde;&ntilde;aphala Sutta, DN 2). King Ajatasattu asks the Buddha, „What are the fruits of the contemplative life, visible in the here and now?“ The Buddha replies by painting a comprehensive portrait of the Buddhist path of training, illustrating each stage of the training with vivid similes.
  • [15 Juni 97] A talk by Thanissaro Bhikkhu:



  • To Ananda (Ananda Sutta, SN 44.10). Why the Buddha does not take a position on the question of whether there is or is not a self.
  • The Bonds of Friendship (Sangaha Sutta, AN 4.32). The qualities that help hold a family &mdash; or any community &mdash; together.
  • On What is Heard (Suta Sutta, AN 4.183). Why the principle of truthfulness does not imply total frankness or openness.
  • On Families (Kula Sutta, AN 4.255). How a family either loses or preserves its wealth.
  • [9 Juni 97] New „Bodhi Leaf“ booklets from the BPS:


, by Robert Bogoda (Bodhi Leaf #139, 1996)

  • The Healing of the Bull

, by Suvimalee Karunaratna (Bodhi Leaf #140, 1996) </ul>

  • [8 Juni 97]


  • Twenty additional suttas from the Itivuttaka have been added and indexed.
  • Here's a new Verzeichnis of Similes, still heavily under construction, to help you discover new routes into the Pali canon.


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