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Metta Sutta: Loving-kindness (2)

Metta Sutta


AN 4.126 PTS: A ii 129

Metta Sutta: Loving-kindness (2)

übersetzt aus dem Pali von

Ñanamoli Thera

Übersetzung ins Deutsche von:

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Alternative Übersetzung: noch keine vorhanden

Alternative Übersetzung: Thanissaro

Here, bhikkhus, a certain person abides with his heart imbued with loving-kindness extending… over the all-encompassing world.

Now whatever therein (during that state of contemplation) exists classifiable as form, classifiable as a feeling (of pleasure, pain, or neutrality), classifiable as perception, classifiable as determinative acts, or classifiable as consciousness, such ideas he sees as impermanent, as liable to suffering, as a disease, as a cancer, as a barb, as a calamity, as an affliction, as alien, as being worn away, as void, as not-self. On the dissolution of the body, after death, he reappears (as a non-returner) in the retinue of the Gods of the Pure Abodes (where there are only those who have reached the Noble Path and where extinction of greed, hate and delusion is reached in less than seven lives without return to this world). And this kind of reappearance is not shared by ordinary men (who have not reached the Noble Eightfold Path).

Siehe auch: AN 4.125

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de/tipitaka/sut/an/an04/an04.126.nymo.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2019/11/01 06:19 von Johann