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Vaddha Sutta: Growth

Vaddha Sutta

Summary: This brief sutta, which encourages education for women, may account for the fact that in the pre-modern world Theravada Buddhist countries had the highest rates of female literacy. [TB.

SN 37.4 PTS: S iv 250 CDB ii 1293

Vaddha Sutta: Growth

übersetzt aus dem Pali von

Ehrwürdigen Thanissaro Bhikkhu

Übersetzung ins Deutsche von:

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Alternative Übersetzung: noch keine vorhanden

„A female disciple of the noble ones who grows in terms of these five types of growth grows in the noble growth. She grasps hold of what is essential and what is excellent in the body. Which five?

„She grows in terms of conviction.

„She grows in terms of virtue.

„She grows in terms of learning.

„She grows in terms of generosity.

„She grows in terms of discernment.

„Growing in terms of these five types of growth, the female disciple of the noble ones grows in the noble growth. She grasps hold of what is essential and what is excellent in the body.“

She grows in conviction & virtue, discernment, generosity, & learning: A virtuous female lay disciple such as this takes hold of the essence right here within herself.

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Anumodana puñña kusala!

de/tipitaka/sut/sn/sn37/sn37.034.than.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2019/10/30 13:24 von Johann