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Gilaana-dassana.m Sutta: Seeing the Sick (Citta)

Gilaana-dassana.m Sutta

Summary: While on his deathbed, Citta delivers an inspiring teaching on generosity to his friends, his family, and a gathering of devas.

SN 41.10 PTS: S iv 302 CDB ii 1330

Gilaana-dassana.m Sutta: Seeing the Sick (Citta)

übersetzt aus dem Pali von

Maurice O'Connell Walshe

Übersetzung ins Deutsche von:

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Alternative Übersetzung: noch keine vorhanden

Alternative Übersetzung: Thanissaro

Der Pali-Titel dieser Sutta basiert auf der PTS (Feer) - Ausgabe.

At that time Citta the householder was a sick man, suffering from a serious illness. Then a number of devas that dwell in gardens, forests and trees, the devas of healing herbs and of great trees in the forest, gathered together and said to Citta the householder:(1) „Make a resolve, householder: 'In some future time may I be a king, a world-ruler!'“(2)

To this Citta replied… „That is something impermanent, something to be rejected and passed over.“

Now Citta's friends, colleagues and blood-relations heard him say this, and they said to him: „Sir!(3) Set up mindfulness, don't ramble!“

„What have I said that makes you tell me to set up mindfulness and not to ramble?“

„Why, sir, you just said: 'That is something impermanent, something to be rejected and passed over.'“

„Yes, but I said that to the devas who dwell in gardens… who bade me make a resolve that in some future time I might be a king, a world-ruler.“

„Sir, what purpose did those devas have in mind in urging you to make such a resolve?“

„This is what those devas thought: 'This householder Citta is a virtuous man, of noble disposition. If he makes a resolve that in some future time he may be a king, a world-ruler, this will be profitable to that virtuous man, having made such a resolve with a pure heart, and will bring the just man a just and great reward…' So then I said, 'That is something impermanent, something to be rejected and passed over.'“

[Citta then instructs them to have perfect faith in the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha, and passes away.]



A whole Samyutta (SN 41) is devoted to this householder (see also Vol. II, No 23), who is held up as a model layman in SN 17.23 (not translated here). His name is not the same as citta „mind,“ but means „bright, shining.“


Cakkavatti lit. „a wheel-turning monarch,“ the Indian term for a universal ruler. This was what Gotama could have become if he had not become a Buddha. The devas are aware of Citta's great virtues (though they possibly exaggerate in thinking he could become a world-ruler!), but are not wise enough to think of his spiritual progress (cf. SN 1.20, n. 4).


Ayyaputta = Ariyaputta lit. „son of the Ariyans“ (cf. SN 22.7, n. 1).

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