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viriya {pi}

Pāḷi; √ viriya
alt. sp.: IPA: ʋɪɾɪjə, Velthuis: viriya, readable: viriya, simple: viriya
translation ~:
khmer: វិរិយ
thai: วิริย
sinhal.: විරිය
burm.: ဝိရိယ


[dic] viriya

viriya: Description welcome. Info can be removed after imput.

ATI Glossary

viriya: Persistence; energy. One of the ten perfections (pāramīs), the five faculties (bala; see bodhi-pakkhiya-dhamma), and the five strengths/dominant factors (indriya; see bodhi-pakkhiya-dhamma).


Buddhist Dictionary

by late Ven. Nyanalokita Thera:

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PTS Dictionary

by the Pali Text Society:


Glossary Thanissaro

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Illustrated Glossary of Pāli Terms

by Ven. Varado Maha Thera:


Āraddhaviriyo: energetically applied

Āraddhaviriyo means being somehow energetically applied, for example to the supreme goal:

• One who is energetically applied to the attainment of the supreme goal.

Where āraddhaviriyo occurs without qualification, we qualify it with ‘to the practice’ in accordance with this definition:

• “One who is energetically applied [to the practice], one who is energetically applied [to the practice]” is said. On what grounds is one energetically applied [to the practice]?

āraddhaviriyo āraddhaviriyo ti bhante vuccati. Kittāvatā nu kho bhante āraddhaviriyo hotī ti?

… ‘In this regard, Moggallāna, a bhikkhu abides energetically thus: “Willingly, let only skin, sinews, and bones remain, and let the flesh and blood dry up in my body, but I will not relax my energy so long as I have not attained what can be attained by manly strength, by manly energy, by manly application [to the practice].

idha moggallāna bhikkhu āraddhaviriyo viharati kāmaṁ taco ca nahārū ca aṭṭhī ca avasissatu sarīre upasussatu maṁsalohitaṁ yaṁ taṁ purisathāmena purisaviriyena purisaparakkamena pattabbaṁ na taṁ apāpuṇitvā viriyassa saṇṭhānaṁ bhavissatī ti.

… In this way is one energetically applied [to the practice].

Evaṁ kho moggallāna āraddhaviriyo hotī ti. (SN ii 276)

For the rendering ‘application [to the practice]’ for parakkama, see Glossary sv Parakkama.

Viriyasambojjhaṅga: the enlightenment factor of energetic application [to the practice]

That viriyasambojjhaṅga means ‘the enlightenment factor of energetic application [to the practice]’ can be judged from the following two quotes:

1) “While he scrutinises the teaching with penetrative discernment, examines it, inquires into it, unflagging energy is aroused. Whenever a bhikkhu’s unflagging energy is aroused as he scrutinises the teaching with penetrative discernment, examines it, inquires into it, on that occasion the enlightenment factor of energetic application [to the practice] is aroused in the bhikkhu; on that occasion the bhikkhu develops the enlightenment factor of energetic application [to the practice]; on that occasion the enlightenment factor of energetic application [to the practice] is perfected through spiritual cultivation in the bhikkhu.

Yasmiṁ samaye ānanda bhikkhuno taṁ dhammaṁ paññāya pavicanato pavicarato parivīmaṁsamāpajjato āraddhaṁ hoti viriyaṁ asallīnaṁ viriyasambojjhaṅgo tasmiṁ samaye bhikkhuno āraddho hoti. Viriyasambojjhaṅgaṁ tasmiṁ samaye bhikkhu bhāveti. Viriyasambojjhaṅgo tasmiṁ samaye bhikkhuno bhāvanāpāripūriṁ gacchati. Āraddhaviriyassa uppajjati pīti nirāmisā. (SN v 332)

2) On an occasion when the mind becomes sluggish, it is timely to develop… the enlightenment factor of energetic application [to the practice]… For what reason? Because the mind is sluggish.

Yasmiñca kho bhikkhave samaye līnaṁ cittaṁ hoti kālo tasmiṁ samaye… viriyasambojjhaṅgassa bhāvanāya… Taṁ kissa hetu: līnaṁ bhikkhave cittaṁ. . (SN v 113)

Viriyindriya: faculty of energetic application [to the practice]

That viriyindriya means ‘the faculty of energetic application [to the practice]’ can be judged from this quote:

• It is indeed to be expected, bhante, that a noble disciple who has faith [in the perfection of the Perfect One’s enlightenment] will dwell energetically applied to the abandoning of spiritually unwholesome factors and the undertaking of spiritually wholesome factors; that he will be steadfast, unwavering in application [to the practice], not shirking the responsibility of [undertaking] spiritually wholesome factors. That energy, bhante, is his faculty of energetic application [to the practice].

saddhassa hi bhante ariyasāvakassa etaṁ pāṭikaṅkhaṁ: yaṁ āraddhaviriyo viharissati akusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ pahānāya kusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ upasampadāya thāmavā daḷhaparakkamo anikkhittadhuro kusalesu dhammesu. Yaṁ hissa bhante viriyaṁ tadassa viriyindriyaṁ. (SN v 225)

Viriyabalaṁ: the power of energetic application [to the practice]

That viriyabalaṁ means ‘the power of energetic application [to the practice]’ can be judged from this quote:

• And what is the power of energetic application [to the practice]. In this regard, a noble disciple abides energetically applied to the abandoning of spiritually unwholesome factors and the undertaking of spiritually wholesome factors, steadfast, unwavering in application [to the practice], not shirking the responsibility of [undertaking] spiritually wholesome factors.

Katamañca bhikkhave viriyabalaṁ idha bhikkhave ariyasāvako āraddhaviriyo viharati akusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ pahānāya kusalānaṁ dhammānaṁ upasampadāya thāmavā daḷha parakkamo anikkhittadhuro kusalesu dhammesu. Idaṁ vuccati bhikkhave viriyabalaṁ. (AN iii 2)

Viriyaṁ ārabhituṁ: to be energetically applied [to the practice]

That viriyaṁ ārabhituṁ means ‘to be energetically applied [to the practice]’ can be judged from this quote:

• When the teaching has thus been well explained by me, elucidated, disclosed, revealed, free of patchwork, it is indeed fitting for a noble young man who has gone forth [into the ascetic life] out of faith to be energetically applied [to the practice] thus:

Evaṁ svākkhāte kho bhikkhave mayā dhamme uttāne vivaṭe pakāsite chinnapilotike alameva saddhā pabbajitena kulaputtena viriyaṁ ārabhituṁ:

… ‘Willingly, let only skin, sinews, and bones remain, and let the flesh and blood dry up in my body, but I will not relax my energy so long as I have not attained what can be attained by manly strength, by manly energy, by manly application [to the practice].’

kāmaṁ taco ca nahāru ca aṭṭhi ca avasissatu sarīre upasussatu maṁsalohitaṁ yaṁ taṁ purisatthāmena purisaviriyena purisaparakkamena pattabbaṁ na taṁ apāpuṇitvā viriyassa saṇṭhānaṁ bhavissati. (SN ii 28)


Illustration: viriya, effort

“Did you earlier have the effort, ‘I will go to the monastery,’ and after you arrived at the monastery, was the corresponding effort quelled?” “Yes, sir.”

Ahosi te pubbe viriyaṁ ārāmaṁ gamissāmī ti tassa te ārāmagatassa yaṁ tajjaṁ viriyaṁ taṁ paṭippassaddhanti evaṁ bho. (SN v 273)

Illustration: viriya, energy

‘Struggling with hands and feet’ represents the exertion of energy.

satthehi ca pādehi ca vāyāmo ti kho bhikkhave viriyārambhassetaṁ adhivacanaṁ. (Iti 114)

Illustration: viriya, [application of] energy; viriyasambojjhaṅgo, the enlightenment factor of energetic application [to the practice]

Whatever [application of] bodily energy there is, is the enlightenment factor of energetic application [to the practice]; whatever [application of] mental energy there is, is also the enlightenment factor of energetic application [to the practice]. Thus what is concisely called the enlightenment factor of energetic application [to the practice] becomes twofold by this method of exposition.

Yadapi bhikkhave kāyikaṁ viriyaṁ tadapi viriyasambojjhaṅgo. Yadapi cetasikaṁ viriyaṁ tadapi viriyasambojjhaṅgā. Viriyasambojjhaṅgoti itihidaṁ uddesaṁ gacchati. Tadamināpetaṁ pariyāyena dvayaṁ hoti. (SN v 111)


viriyaṁ: (main article see: viriya)

Illustration: viriyaṁ, energy

If one’s energy is excessive it leads to restlessness; if too lax it leads to indolence. Therefore Soṇa, resolve [to apply yourself] moderately energetically, and achieve a balance in the faculties, and in this manner pick up the object of meditation.

Evameva kho soṇa accāraddhaṁ viriyaṁ uddhaccāya saṁvattati atilīnaṁ viriyaṁ kosajjāya saṁvattati. Tasmātiha tvaṁ soṇa viriyasamataṁ adhiṭṭhahaṁ indriyānañca samataṁ paṭivijjha tattha ca nimittaṁ gaṇhāhī ti. (AN iii 376)

Illustration: viriyaṁ, energy

While he scrutinises the teaching with penetrative discernment, examines it, inquires into it, unflagging energy is aroused.

Tassa taṁ dhammaṁ paññāya pavicinato pavicarato parivīmaṁsamāpajjato āraddhaṁ hoti viriyaṁ asallīnaṁ. (SN v 67-69)


āraddhaviriyassa: (main article see: viriya)

Illustration: āraddhaviriyassa, energetically applied [to the practice]

A noble disciple who has faith [in the perfection of the Perfect One’s enlightenment], who is energetically applied [to the practice], and whose mindfulness is established, having made the relinquishment [of attachment] the basis [for spiritual development], will gain inward collectedness, will gain mental concentration.

saddhassa hi bhante ariyasāvakassa āraddhaviriyassa upaṭṭhitasatino etaṁ pāṭikaṅkhaṁ yaṁ vossaggārammaṇaṁ karitvā labhissati samādhiṁ labhissati cittassekaggataṁ. (SN v 225)


āraddhaviriyo: (main article see: viriya)

Illustration: āraddhaviriyo, energetic person

Bhikkhus, the lazy person abides in misery, soiled by unvirtuous, spiritually unwholesome factors, and great is the personal good that he neglects.

dukkhaṁ hi bhikkhave kusīto viharati vokiṇṇo pāpakehi akusalehi dhammehi. Mahantañca sadatthaṁ parihāpeti.

But the energetic person abides happily, secluded from unvirtuous, spiritually unwholesome factors, and great is the personal good that he achieves.

Āraddhaviriyo ca kho bhikkhave sukhaṁ viharati pavivitto pāpakehi akusalehi dhammehi mahantañca sadatthaṁ paripūreti. (SN ii 29)

Illustration: āraddhaviriyo, being energetic

Am I much given to laziness? Or am I much given to being energetic?

kusīto nu kho bahulaṁ viharāmi āraddhaviriyo nu kho bahulaṁ viharāmi. (AN v 92-3)

viriyaṁ ārabhati

viriyaṁ ārabhati: (main article see: viriya)

Illustration: viriyaṁ ārabhati, to apply energy

It can be expected that he will not stir up eagerness, endeavour, apply energy, to abandon that blemish.

tasse taṁ pāṭikaṅkhaṁ na chandaṁ janessati na vāyamissati na viriyaṁ ārabhissati tassaṅgaṇassa pahānāya. (MN i 25)


Glossary various Teacher

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Suttas and Dhammadesanā

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