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appamatta {pi}

Pāḷi; √ appamatta
alt. sp.: IPA: əppəmət̪t̪ə, Velthuis: appamatta, readable: appamatta, simple: appamatta
translation ~:
khmer: អប្បមត្ត
thai: อปฺปมตฺต
sinhal.: අප්පමත්ත
burm.: အပ္ပမတ္တ


[dic] appamatta

appamatta: Description welcome. Info can be removed after imput.

ATI Glossary

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Buddhist Dictionary

by late Ven. Nyanalokita Thera:

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PTS Dictionary

by the Pali Text Society:


Glossary Thanissaro

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Illustrated Glossary of Pāli Terms

by Ven. Varado Maha Thera:


With specified objects

Appamatta and appamāda often have specified objects:

1) We will abide using blocks of wood as cushions, and be diligently and vigorously applied to inward striving.

Kaliṅgarūpadhānā viharissāma appamattā ātāpino padhānasmin ti. (SN ii 267-8)

2) Happy indeed are those human beings honouring the Sublime One, applying themselves to Gotama’s training system, who train in it with diligence.

Sukhitā vata te manujā sugataṁ payirupāsiya
Yuñjaṁ gotama sāsane appamattānusikkhareti. (SN i 52)

3) The diligent and resolute practisers of my training system will go without your approval where, having gone, they will not grieve.

Te appamattā pahitattā mama sāsanakārakā
Akāmā te gamissanti yattha gantvā na socare. (Snp 445)

4) For a bhikkhu who abides properly considering pairs [of teachings] in this way, diligently, vigorously, and resolutely, one of two fruits can be expected.

Evaṁ sammā dvayatānupassino kho bhikkhave bhikkhuno appamattassa ātāpino pahitattassa viharato dvinnaṁ phalānaṁ aññataraṁ phalaṁ pāṭikaṅkhaṁ. (Snp 140)

5) They bring [us] offerings day and night, so [please] diligently protect them.

Divā ca ratto ca haranti ye baliṁ tasmā hi ne rakkhatha appamattā. (Snp 223)

6) He is no friend at all, who, anticipating conflict, is always diligently looking for your weak spots.

Na so mitto yo sadā appamatto bhedāsaṅkī randhamevānupassī. (Snp 255)

7) With the arrow [of craving] removed, living the religious life diligently, he longs for neither this world nor the next.

Abbūḷhasallo caramappamatto nāsiṁsati lokamimaṁ parañcāti. (Snp 779)

8) Being diligent in the practice of sacrifice

With no specified object

Sometimes, there is no specified object. The relationship between terms in the following passages show why, in such cases, we take the object to be ‘the practice’ (i.e. ‘the practice of the teaching’):

1) My disciple who abides diligently, vigorously, and resolutely applied [to the practice] for one night and day, practising as I instructed him, might experience exclusively happiness for a hundred years.

Idha mama sāvako… ekaṁ rattindivaṁ appamatto ātāpī pahitatto viharanto yathā mayānusiṭṭhaṁ tathā paṭipajjamāno satampi vassāni ekanta sukhapaṭisaṁvedī vihareyya. (AN v 86)

2) Bhante, it would be good if the Blessed One would explain the teaching to me in brief, so that, having heard the teaching from the Blessed One, I might abide alone, withdrawn [from human fellowship, sensuous pleasures, and spiritually unwholesome factors], diligently, vigorously, and resolutely applied [to the practice].

sādhu me bhante bhagavā saṅkhittena dhammaṁ desetu yamahaṁ bhagavato dhammaṁ sutvā eko vūpakaṭṭho appamatto ātāpī pahitatto vihareyyanti. (SN iv 145)

3) When a bhikkhu is perfect in diligence [in the practice], it is to be expected that he will develop and cultivate this noble eightfold path.

Appamādasampannassetaṁ bhikkhave bhikkhuno pāṭikaṅkhaṁ ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bhāvessati ariyaṁ aṭṭhaṅgikaṁ maggaṁ bahulīkarissatīti



appamatto: (main article see: appamatta)

Illustration: appamatto, diligent

A diligent householder with a practice like this ends up with the devas called Sayampabha.

Etaṁ gihī vattayamappamatto sayampabhe nāma upeti deve ti. (Snp 404)

Illustration: appamatto, diligent man

The wise and diligent man who associates with such a person.

yo tādisaṁ bhajati appamatto. (Snp 317)


appamattā: (main article see: appamatta)

Illustration: appamattā, those who are diligently applied [to the practice]

Those who are wise, diligently applied [to the practice], and prudent attain [the supreme goal].

Dhīrā samadhigacchanti appamattā vicakkhaṇā ti. (Tha 4)


appamādena: (main article see: appamatta)

Illustration: appamādena, with diligence

So, then, bhikkhus, I take your leave. Originated phenomena are destined to disappear. Apply yourself [to the practice] with diligence.

Handadāni bhikkhave āmantayāmi vo. Vayadhammā saṅkhārā. Appamādena sampādetha (DN ii 156)


appamādo: (main article see: appamatta)

Illustration: appamādo, being diligent

Being diligent in [doing] what is righteous: this is supremely auspicious.

Appamādo ca dhammesu etaṁ maṅgalamuttamaṁ. (Snp 264)

Illustration: appamādo, diligence [in the practice]

And what is diligence [in the practice]?

Katamo ca bhikkhave appamādo

In this regard a bhikkhu protects the mind against perceptually obscuring states and against states associated with perceptually obscuring states.

Idha bhikkhave bhikkhu cittaṁ rakkhati āsavesu ca sāsavesu ca dhammesu. (SN v 232)

To abandon negligence [in the practice] develop diligence [in the practice].

Pamādassa pahānāya appamādo bhāvetabbo. (AN iii 449)

Diligence [in the practice] is the path to the Deathless. Negligence [in the practice] is the path to death.

Appamādo amatapadaṁ pamādo maccuno padaṁ. (Dhp 21)

Illustration: appamatto, diligently applied [to the practice]

Being diligently applied [to the practice], he attains perpetual deliverance [from perceptually obscuring states].

Appamatto samāno asamayavimokkhaṁ ārādheti. (MN i 197)

‘We will abide diligently applied [to the practice]’

appamattā viharissāmā ti. (SN ii 266)

Illustration: appamādo, diligence; appamattā, diligently applied [to the practice]

You should abide spiritually supported by one thing: diligence in [cultivating] spiritually wholesome factors.

Eko dhammo upanissāya vihātabbo appamādo kusalesu dhammesu

When you are abiding diligently applied [to the practice], spiritually supported by diligence [in cultivating spiritually wholesome factors], your harem will think:

Appamattassa te mahārāja viharato appamādaṁ upanissāya itthāgārassa evaṁ bhavissati

‘The king dwells diligently applied [to the practice], spiritually supported by diligence [in cultivating spiritually wholesome factors].

rājā kho appamatto viharati appamādaṁ upanissāya.

Come, then, let us also dwell diligently applied [to the practice], spiritually supported by diligence [in cultivating spiritually wholesome factors].’

Handa mayampi appamattā viharāma appamādaṁ upanissāyāti. (SN i 89)

Which one thing is very useful? Diligence in [cultivating] spiritually wholesome factors.

Katamo eko dhammo bahukāro? Appamādo kusalesu dhammesu. (DN iii 272-3)


appamattassa: (main article see: appamatta)

Illustration: appamattassa, diligently

‘The religious life is well explained, fathomable in this lifetime, realisable in the here and now, so that for one who trains himself diligently [in it], going forth [into the ascetic life] is not in vain.’

Svākkhātaṁ brahmacariyaṁ sandiṭṭhikamakālikaṁ
Yattha amoghā pabbajjā appamattassa sikkhato ti. (Snp 567)


appamādaṁ: (main article see: appamatta)

Illustration: appamādaṁ, diligence; appamatto, diligent

The wise praise diligence in performing meritorious deeds.

Appamādaṁ pasaṁsanti puññakiriyāsu paṇḍitā

‘The wise person who is diligent [in performing meritorious deeds] secures both benefits: benefit in this lifetime, and benefit in the hereafter.

Appamatto ubho atthe adhigaṇhāti paṇḍito
Diṭṭhe dhamme ca yo attho yo cattho samparāyiko. (SN i 86)

Illustration: appamādaṁ, diligence [in the practice]

Seeing negligence [in the practice] as danger, and diligence [in the practice] as safety.

Pamādaṁ bhayato disvā appamādañca khemato. (Tha 980)


appamāda: (main article see: appamatta)

Illustration: appamāda, diligence [in the practice]

Whatever spiritually wholesome factors there are, they all stem from diligence [in the practice].

ye keci kusalā dhammā sabbe te appamādamūlakā. (SN v 42)


pamādo: (main article see: appamatta)

Illustration: pamādo, negligent in

‘Moggallāna, Moggallāna, do not be negligent, brahman, in [practising] first jhāna

mā brāhmaṇa paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ pamādo

• Steady your mind in first jhāna

paṭhame jhāne cittaṁ saṇṭhapehi

• Concentrate your mind in first jhāna

paṭhame jhāne cittaṁ ekodiṁ karohi

• Compose your mind in first jhāna

paṭhame jhāne cittaṁ samādahāti. (SN iv 264)

Illustration: pamādo, negligence [in the practice]

Negligence [in the practice] is a spiritual defilement. One who is constantly negligently applied [to the practice] is oppressed by spiritual defilement.

Pamādo rajo pamādo pamādānupatito rajo. (Snp 334)

Illustration: pamādo, negligent

When the teaching has been so well explained, how can one who understands [it] be negligent [in practising it]?

Evaṁ sudesite dhamme ko pamādo vijānataṁ. (SN i 193)


napamajjeyya: (main article see: appamatta)

Illustration: napamajjeyya, should not be negligent in

Knowing inward peace as Peace, he should not be negligent in [practising] Gotama’s training system.

Santī ti nibbutiṁ ñatvā sāsane gotamassa napamajjeyya. (Snp 933)


pamajjitun: (main article see: appamatta)

Illustration: pamajjitun, negligently applied [to the practice]

Whether walking, standing, sitting, or lying down, your last day approaches. There is no time for you to be negligently applied [to the practice].

Carato tiṭṭhato vāpi āsīnasayanassa vā
Upeti carimā ratti na te kālo pamajjitun ti. (Tha 452)


pamādattha: (main article see: appamatta)

Illustration: pamādattha, negligently applied [to the practice]

Meditate, Cunda! Do not be negligently applied [to the practice] lest you regret it later!

Jhāyatha cunda mā pamādattha. Mā pacchā vippaṭisārino ahuvattha. (MN i 46)


pamāda: (main article see: appamatta)

Illustration: pamāda, negligence [in the practice]

Liquor, wines, and intoxicants which are bases of negligence [in the practice].


pamatto: (main article see: appamatta)

Illustration: pamatto, negligently applied [to the practice]

The man negligently applied [to the practice] who pursues another’s wife meets with four states.

Cattāri ṭhānāni naro pamatto āpajjati paradārūpasevī. (Dhp 309)

‘This deity dwells much too negligently applied [to the practice].’

atibāḷhaṁ kho ayaṁ yakkho pamatto viharati. (MN i 253)


pamādamhā: (main article see: appamatta)

Illustration: pamādamhā, negligence [in the practice]

Does he keep aloof from negligence [in the practice]? Does he not neglect meditation?’

Kacci ārā pamādamhā kacci jhānaṁ na riñcati. (Snp 156)


pamatta: (main article see: appamatta)

Illustration: pamatta, negligent

‘You have come here for your own ends, Maleficent One, O kinsman of the negligent.

Pamattabandhu pāpima senatthena idhāgato. (Snp 430)


pamādā: (main article see: appamatta)

Illustration: pamādā, negligence [in the practice]

The world [of beings] is obstructed by uninsightfulness into reality. Because of selfishness, and negligence [in the practice] it shines not.

Avijjāya nivuto loko vevicchā pamādā nappakāsati. (Snp 1033)


pamajjitun: (main article see: appamatta)

Illustration: pamajjitun, negligently applied [to the practice]

Illness has arisen in me. It is not the time for me to be negligently applied [to the practice].

Ābādho me samuppanno kālo me nappamajjitun ti. (Tha 30)


Glossary various Teacher

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Suttas and Dhammadesanā

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