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pāpaka {pi}

Pāḷi; √ pāpaka
alt. sp.: IPA: pɑːpəkə, Velthuis: paapaka, readable: paapaka, simple: papaka
translation ~:
khmer: បាបក
thai: ปาปก
sinhal.: පාපක
burm.: ပါပက


[dic] pāpaka (papaka)

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ATI Glossary

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Buddhist Dictionary

by late Ven. Nyanalokita Thera:

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PTS Dictionary

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Glossary Thanissaro

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Illustrated Glossary of Pāli Terms

by Ven. Varado Maha Thera:


Pāpaka: -ka suffix

The -ka suffix of pāpaka is in accordance with Duroiselle’s observation: ‘Not seldom -ka adds nothing whatever to the primary meaning of a word ’ (PGPL, Para 581). DOP agrees (sv Ka2).

Pāpa and pāpaka: schedule of renderings

Our schedule of renderings is as follows:

1) Where pāpa is antonymous to puñña we call it ‘demerit’:

• He in this world who lives the religious life having spurned [the accumulating of] merit and demerit.

Yodha puññañca pāpañca bāhetvā brahmacariyavā. (SN i 182)

2) In the context of karmically consequential conduct, where pāpaka is antonymous to kalyāṇa we call it ‘demeritorious’:

• He is the inheritor of whatever karmically consequential conduct he undertakes whether meritorious or demeritorious.

Yaṁ kammaṁ karissati kalyāṇaṁ vā pāpakaṁ vā tassa dāyādo bhavissatī ti. (AN iii 185)

3) Where pāpaka is synonymous with akusala we call it ‘unvirtuous’:

• When contemplating an object that arouses unvirtuous, spiritually unwholesome thoughts (pāpakā akusalā vitakkā), a bhikkhu should ponder a meditation object connected with what is spiritually wholesome (aññaṁ nimittaṁ manasikātabbaṁ kusalūpasaṁhitaṁ). (MN i 119)

4) Where pāpaka is antonymous to bhaddaka and implies a bad inner nature we call it ‘odious.’

  • Whatever a bitter gourd seed absorbs leads to bitterness, acridity, and unpleasant taste. For what reason? The seed is odious (bījaṁ hi bhikkhave pāpakaṁ) (AN v 212).
  • Whatever a sugar-cane seed absorbs leads to sweetness, pleasantness and delicious flavour. For what reason? The seed is excellent (bījaṁ hi bhikkhave bhaddakaṁ) (AN v 213).

5) In relation to diṭṭhi, where pāpika is antonymous to bhaddakaṁ we call it ‘odious’:

• his view [of reality] is odious

diṭṭhi hi bhikkhave pāpikā

• his perception [of reality] is excellent

diṭṭhi hi bhikkhave bhaddikā. (AN v 212)

6) Where pāpaka means unpleasant we call it ‘wretched.’

• what use to you is this wretched and difficult life?

kiṁ tuyhaminā pāpakena dujjīvitena. (Vin.3.73)

7) In reference to friends we call it ‘unvirtuous.’

• King Ajātasattu of Magadha has unvirtuous friends (ajātasattu vedehiputto pāpamitto). King Pasenadi of Kosala has virtuous friends (pasenadi kosalo kalyāṇamitto). (SN i 83)

8) When it implies unvirtuous behaviour we call it ‘unvirtuous.’

• free of unvirtuous conduct

pāpakammaṁ akubbato. (Vin.2.203)

• What is unvirtuous? In this regard, some person kills

Katamo ca bhikkhave pāpo? Idha bhikkhave ekacco pāṇātipātī hoti. (AN ii 222)

9) Similarly, where pāpaka is antonymous to kalyāṇa and implies bad practices, we call it ‘unvirtuous.’

• unvirtuous, of an unvirtuous moral nature

• virtuous and of a virtuous moral nature.

sīlavantehi kalyāṇadhammehī ti. (SN v 397)

10) When it describes someone who is unvirtuous we call it ‘unvirtuous.’ Thus an unvirtuous bhikkhu is unvirtuous (pāpabhikkhu dussīlo AN ii 239).

11) As a word of condemnation, we call it ‘odious.’

• excessive greed is odious

atilobho hi pāpako. (Vin.4.259)

12) Māra’s epithet is pāpimant, ‘the Maleficent One.’

Illustrations: pāpa


pāpaṁ: (main article see: pāpaka)

Illustration: pāpaṁ, demerit

If, with a razor-rimmed wheel, one were to make the living beings of this earth into one mass of flesh, into one heap of flesh, because of this there would be demerit and an outcome of demerit.

Khurapariyantena cepi cakkena yo imissā paṭhaviyā pāṇe ekaṁ maṁsakhalaṁ ekaṁ maṁsapuñjaṁ kareyya atthi tatonidānaṁ pāpaṁ atthi pāpassa āgamo. (SN iv 348)

Illustration: pāpaṁ, demerit

If one were to go along the south bank of the Ganges killing and slaughtering… because of this there would be demerit and an outcome of demerit.

atthi tatonidānaṁ pāpaṁ atthi pāpassa āgamo

If one were to go along the north bank of the Ganges giving gifts and making others give gifts… because of this there would be merit and an outcome of merit.

atthi tatonidānaṁ puññaṁ atthi puññassa āgamo. (SN iv 348)

Illustration: pāpaṁ, demerit

Whatever demerit was formerly generated by me in other lifetimes, that must be experienced now [in this lifetime].

Yaṁ mayā pakataṁ pāpaṁ pubbe aññāsu jātisu; Idheva taṁ vedanīyaṁ. (Tha 81)

Illustration: pāpaṁ, demerit

He in this world who lives the religious life having spurned [the accumulating of] merit and demerit, who fares in the world with reflectiveness, he is truly called a bhikkhu.

Yodha puññañca pāpañca bāhetvā brahmacariyavā
Saṅkhāya loke carati sa ve bhikkhū ti vuccati. (SN i 182)

Illustration: pāpaṁ, demerit

Demerit generated by his ego, born from his ego, arisen from his ego, crushes the fool like a diamond crushes a hard gem.

Attanā va kataṁ pāpaṁ attajaṁ attasambhavaṁ
Abhimanthati dummedhaṁ vajiraṁ v’asmamayaṁ maṇiṁ. (Dhp 161)

Illustration: pāpaṁ, something demeritorious

Something demeritorious has been done by me. I shall destroy that accumulated demerit.

Pāpaṁ hi mayā pakataṁ kammaṁ taṁ nijjaressāmi. (Thi 431)

Illustration: pāpaṁ, what is unvirtuous; pāpassa, demerit

Should a person do what is unvirtuous, he should not do it again and again. He should not develop a fondness for it. The accumulation of demerit is suffering.

Pāpaṁ ce puriso kayirā na taṁ kayirā punappunaṁ
Na tamhi chandaṁ kayirātha dukkho pāpassa uccayo.

Should a person do what is meritorious, he should do it again and again. He should develop a fondness for it. The accumulation of merit is happiness.

Puññaṁ ce puriso kayirā kayirāthetaṁ punappunaṁ
Tamhi chandaṁ kayirātha sukho puññassa uccayo. (Dhp 117-8)

Illustration: pāpaṁ, unvirtuous; pāpaṁ, demerit

He who injures someone who is pure, free of unvirtuous conduct, the demerit affects him himself, the one with a defiled mind, with no respect [for others].

Aduṭṭhassa hi yo dubbhe pāpakammaṁ akubbato;
Tameva pāpaṁ phusati duṭṭhacittaṁ anādaraṁ. (Vin.2.203)


pāpa: (main article see: pāpaka)

Illustration: pāpa, demerit

I have [now] cleansed away all demerit.

Illustration: pāpaṁ, unvirtuousness

Seeing unvirtuousness as unvirtuous, become in that respect disillusioned, unattached, and liberated.

Pāpaṁ pāpakato disvā tattha nibbindatha virajjatha vimuccathā ti. (Iti 33)

Illustration: pāpa, unvirtuous

Unvirtuous friendship is an obstacle to virtuous practices.

pāpamittatā sīlānaṁ paripantho. (AN v 136)

Virtuous friendship is a condition that nourishes virtuous practices.

kalyāṇamittatā sīlānaṁ āhāro. (AN v 136)


pāpo: (main article see: pāpaka)

Illustration: pāpo, unvirtuous

What is unvirtuous?

Katamo ca bhikkhave pāpo?

In this regard, some person

Idha bhikkhave ekacco

• kills

• steals

• commits adultery

kāmesu micchācārī hoti

• lies

• speaks maliciously, harshly or frivolous chatter

pisunāvāco hoti… pharusāvāco hoti… samphappalāpī hoti

• is greedy

• has an unbenevolent attitude

• is of wrong view [of reality]


This occurs in a group of four definitions:

1) What is unvirtuous?

Katamo ca bhikkhave pāpo? Idha bhikkhave ekacco pāṇātipātī hoti… Micchādiṭṭhiko hoti.

2) What is worse than unvirtuousness?

Katamo ca bhikkhave pāpena pāpataro? Idha bhikkhave ekacco attanā ca pāṇātipātī hoti. Parañca pāṇātipāte samādapeti… Attanā ca micchādiṭṭhiko hoti parañca micchādiṭṭhiyā samādapeti. Ayaṁ vuccati bhikkhave pāpena pāpataro.

3) What is virtuous?

Katamo ca bhikkhave kalyāṇo? Idha bhikkhave ekacco pāṇātipātā paṭivirato hoti… sammādiṭṭhiko hoti.

4) What is better than virtuousness?

Katamo ca bhikkhave kalyāṇena kalyāṇataro? Idha bhikkhave ekacco attanā ca pāṇātipātā paṭivirato hoti parañca pāṇātipātā veramaṇiyā samādapeti… Attanā ca sammādiṭṭhiko hoti parañca sammādiṭṭhiyā samādapeti.

Illustration: pāpa, unvirtuous

In future times, Ānanda, there will be members of the clan with an ochre robe round their necks, unvirtuous, of an unvirtuous moral nature.

Bhavissanti kho panānanda anāgatamaddhānaṁ gotrabhuno kāsāvakaṇṭhā dussīlā pāpadhammā. (MN iii 255-6)


The opposite of dussīlā pāpadhammā is sīlavantehi kalyāṇadhammehī:

Whatever there is in my family that is suitable for offering, all that I share unreservedly with those who are virtuous and of a virtuous moral nature.

Yaṁ kho pana kiñci kule deyyadhammaṁ sabbaṁ taṁ appaṭivibhattaṁ sīlavantehi kalyāṇadhammehī ti. (SN v 397)

Illustration: pāpa, unvirtuous

An unvirtuous bhikkhu is unvirtuous, of an unvirtuous moral nature, impure.

pāpabhikkhu dussīlo hoti pāpadhammo asuci. (AN ii 239)

Illustration: pāpa, odious

If the pleasure and pain that beings feel are caused by fate and destiny, certainly the Nigaṇṭhas are of an odious fate and destiny in that they experience such unpleasant, racking, piercing sensations.

Sace bhikkhave sattā saṅgatibhāvahetu sukhadukkhaṁ paṭisaṁvedenti addhā bhikkhave nigaṇṭhā pāpasaṅgatikā yaṁ etarahi evarūpā dukkhā tibbā kaṭukā vedanā vediyanti. (MN ii 222)

Illustration: pāpa, odious

He maintains an odious dogmatic view.

Illustrations: pāpaka


pāpakānaṁ: (main article see: pāpaka)

Illustration: pāpakānaṁ, demeritorious

Experiences here and there the karmic consequences of meritorious and demeritorious deeds

tatra tatra kalyāṇapāpakānaṁ kammānaṁ vipākaṁ paṭisaṁvedeti. (MN i 8)


pāpakaṁ: (main article see: pāpaka)

Illustration: pāpakaṁ, demeritorious

He is the inheritor of whatever karmically consequential conduct he undertakes whether meritorious or demeritorious.

Yaṁ kammaṁ karissati kalyāṇaṁ vā pāpakaṁ vā tassa dāyādo bhavissatī ti. (AN iii 185)


pāpikānaṁ: (main article see: pāpaka)

Illustration: pāpikānaṁ, unvirtuous

In this regard a bhikkhu has unvirtuous desires and is dominated by unvirtuous desires.

Idhāvuso bhikkhu pāpiccho hoti pāpikānaṁ icchānaṁ vasaṁ gato. (MN i 95)


pāpakā: (main article see: pāpaka)

Illustration: pāpakā, unvirtuous

Are there any unvirtuous, spiritually unwholesome factors unabandoned by me which, were I to die tonight, would be a spiritual obstruction to me?

atthi nu kho me pāpakā akusalā dhammā appahīnā ye me assu rattiṁ kālaṁ karontassa antarāyāyā ti. (AN iii 306-8)


pāpake: (main article see: pāpaka)

Illustration: pāpake, unvirtuous

A certain bhikkhu had gone for his daytime abiding, but kept thinking unvirtuous, spiritually unwholesome thoughts associated with the household life.

pāpake akusale vitakke vitakketi gehanissite. (SN i 197)


pāpakaṁ: (main article see: pāpaka)

Illustration: pāpakaṁ, unvirtuous

Although he may do an unvirtuous deed by body, speech, or mind, he is incapable of hiding it.

Kiñcāpi so kammaṁ karoti pāpakaṁ kāyena vācā uda cetasā vā
Abhabbo so tassa paṭicchādāya. (Snp 230-232)

Illustration: pāpakaṁ, unvirtuous

Neither shall our minds be troubled by this, nor shall we utter unvirtuous words

na ceva no cittaṁ vipariṇataṁ bhavissati. Na ca pāpakaṁ vācaṁ nicchāressāma. (MN i 127)

Illustration: pāpikaṁ, unvirtuous

He conceives an unvirtuous desire for respect, for gains, honour, and renown

pāpikaṁ icchaṁ panidahati anavaññapaṭilābhāya lābhasakkārasilokapaṭilābhāya. (AN ii 143)


pāpako: (main article see: pāpaka)

Illustration: pāpako, unvirtuous

Greed is unvirtuous, and hatred is unvirtuous

lobho ca pāpako doso ca pāpako. (MN i 15)

Illustration: pāpako, odious, pāpa, unvirtuous

Someone who is unvirtuous (dussīlo) should be shunned. Why so? Because one gains an odious reputation of having unvirtuous friends, companions, and comrades.

pāpako kittisaddo abbhuggacchati pāpamitto purisapuggalo pāpasahāyo pāpasampavaṅko ti. (AN i 126-7)

Illustration: pāpako, odious

One should be pleased with what is received, for excessive greed is odious.

Yaṁ laddhaṁ tena tuṭṭhabbaṁ atilobho hi pāpako. (Vin.4.259)


pāpakaṁ: (main article see: pāpaka)

Illustration: pāpakaṁ, odious

  • Whatever a bitter gourd seed absorbs leads to its bitterness, acridity, and unpleasant taste. For what reason? The seed is odious (bījaṁ hi bhikkhave pāpakaṁ) (AN v 212).
  • Whatever a sugar-cane seed absorbs leads to its sweetness, pleasantness and delicious flavour. For what reason? The seed is excellent (bījaṁ hi bhikkhave bhaddakaṁ) (AN v 213).

Illustration: pāpako, odious

When the yakkha Sūciloma pressed his body, the Buddha said he was not afraid, saying:

• ‘But your touch is odious.’

api ca te samphasso pāpako ti. (Snp 48)

Illustration: pāpakaṁ, odious

One sees no odious dreams.

Na pāpakaṁ supinaṁ passati… Vin.1.295).

Illustration: pāpakaṁ, odious

Odious dogmatic views,

Illustration: pāpakā, odious

We were unable to wean the bhikkhu Sāti from this odious dogmatic view.

mayaṁ bhante nāsakkhimha sātiṁ bhikkhuṁ kevaṭṭaputtaṁ etasmā pāpakā diṭṭhigatā vivecetuṁ. (MN i 257)


pāpakena: (main article see: pāpaka)

Illustration: pāpakena, wretched

My good fellow, what use to you is this wretched and difficult life? Death for you is better than life.

ambho purisa kiṁ tuyhaminā pāpakena dujjīvitena matante jīvitā seyyo ti. (Vin.3.73)

Illustration: pāpako, wretched

While performing unvirtuous deeds the fool does not realise that later it will be bitter for him. The karmic consequence will be truly wretched.

Atha pāpāni kammāni karaṁ bālo na bujjhati
Pacchāssa kaṭukaṁ hoti vipāko hissa pāpako ti. (Tha 146)

Illustration: pāpako, wretched

Therefore hold nothing beloved: separation from the beloved is wretched.

Tasmā piyaṁ na kayirātha piyāpāyo hi pāpako. (Dhp 211)

Illustration: pāpako, wretched

The karmic consequence of killing is wretched.

pāṇātipātassa kho pāpako vipāko. (AN v 252)


pāpakamminaṁ: (main article see: pāpaka)

Illustration: pāpakamminaṁ, evildoer

What can the Sundarikā River do? What the Payāga? What the Bāhukā? They cannot purify a hostile man, a wrongdoer, an evildoer.

Kiṁ sundarikā karissati kiṁ payāgo kiṁ bāhukā nadī
Veriṁ katakibbisaṁ naraṁ na hi naṁ sodhaye pāpakamminaṁ. (MN i 39)

Illustrations: pāpimato


pāpimato: (main article see: pāpaka)

Illustration: pāpimato, the Maleficent One

By taking delight in bodily form one is held captive by Māra. By not taking delight in it one is freed from the Maleficent One.

Rūpaṁ kho bhante abhinandamāno baddho mārassa anabhinandamāno mutto pāpimato. (SN iii 75)


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