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Transliteration Khmer-Script

See also akkharakrama - Pāḷi Alphabet.

Although there are serial international standards for Khmer romanization, less make use of the standard adopted from Indo-Germanic languages. This makes it mostly impossible to trace words back to their Pali or Sanskrit roots. On the following standard, developed by Franklin Huffman (ALA-LC Romanization Tables) will be used for Khmer-Words and Khmer-Pali/Sanskrit words for romanization.

Alternative format of the List: transliteration_khmer.pdf


Standard script Aksar Mul script Aksar Pali script Romanization
Full Form Subscript Full form Subscript Full form Subscript
្ក ្ក ្ក k
្គ ្គ ្គ g
្ខ ្ខ ្ខ kh
្ឃ ្ឃ ្ឃ gh
្ង ្ង ្ង
្ច ្ច ្ច c
្ឆ ្ឆ ្ឆ ch
្ជ ្ជ ្ជ j
្ឈ ្ឈ ្ឈ jh
្ញ ្ញ ្ញ ñ
្ដ ្ដ ្ដ
្ឋ ្ឋ ្ឋ ṭh
្ឌ ្ឌ ្ឌ
្ឍ ្ឍ ្ឍ ḍh
្ណ ្ណ ្ណ
្ត ្ត ្ត t
្ថ ្ថ ្ថ th
្ទ ្ទ ្ទ d
្ធ ្ធ ្ធ dh
្ន ្ន ្ន n
្ប ្ប ្ប p
្ផ ្ផ ្ផ ph
្ព ្ព ្ព b
្ភ ្ភ ្ភ bh
្ម ្ម ្ម b
្យ ្យ ្យ y
្រ ្រ ្រ r
្ល ្ល ្ល l
្វ ្វ ្វ v
្ស ្ស ្ស s
្ហ ្ហ ្ហ h
្ឡ ្ឡ ្ឡ
្អ ្អ ្អ A
en/dictionary/transliteration_khmer.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/19 15:38 by Johann