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vihesā {pi}

Pāḷi; √ vihesā
alt. sp.: IPA: ʋɪɦeːs̪ɑː, Velthuis: vihesaa, readable: vihesaa, simple: vihesa
translation ~:
khmer: វិហេសា
thai: วิเหสา
sinhal.: විහේසා
burm.: ဝိဟေသာ


[dic] vihesā (vihesa)

vihesā: Description welcome. Info can be removed after imput.

ATI Glossary

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Buddhist Dictionary

by late Ven. Nyanalokita Thera:

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PTS Dictionary

by the Pali Text Society:


Glossary Thanissaro

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Illustrated Glossary of Pāli Terms

by Ven. Varado Maha Thera:

Illustrations: vihesā

Illustration: vihesā, doing harm

One who delights in doing harm, a beast

Illustration: vihesa, injury

Those in this world who are unrestrained in [the harming of] living beings, stealing their possessions, intent on injury, unvirtuous, ferocious, harsh, disrespectful: what is rotten is this, not the eating of meat.

Ye idha pāṇesu asaṁyatā janā paresamādāya vihesamuyyutā
Dussīlaluddā pharusā anādarā esāmagandho na hi maṁsabhojanaṁ. (Snp 247)


vihesaṁ: (main article see: vihesā)

Illustration: vihesaṁ, injury

Injuring one who has spiritually developed himself


vihesesi: (main article see: vihesā)

Illustration: vihesesi, trouble

He did not trouble me through [failure to quickly understand] the teaching.

na ca maṁ dhammādhikaraṇaṁ vihesesi. (MN ii 146)


See Glossary sv Na ca maṁ dhammādhikaraṇaṁ vihesesi


viheseti: (main article see: vihesā)

Illustration: viheseti, trouble

He troubles the assembly of bhikkhus by keeping silent.

tuṇhibhāvena saṅghaṁ viheseti. (AN iv 194)


vihesā: (main article see: vihesā)

Illustration: vihesā, troublesome

If I were to explain the teaching to others and they did not understand, it would be wearisome and troublesome for me.

ahañce ca kho pana dhammaṁ deseyyaṁ pare ca me na ājāneyyuṁ so mamassa kilamatho sā mamassa vihesā ti. (DN ii 36)

Illustration: vihesā, troublesome

If you come and ask the Perfect One the fate of everyone who dies, it would be troublesome for him.

tasmiñce kālakate tathāgataṁ upasaṅkamitvā etamatthaṁ pucchissatha vihesā cesā ānanda tathāgatassa. (DN ii 93)

Illustration: vihesā, vexation

When there are disputes there are quarrels; with quarrels, distress; with distress, vexation.

Iti viggahe sati vivādo vivāde sati vighāto vighāte sati vihesā. (MN i 498)

Illustration: vihesā, vexation

Many sense impressions arising from the visible object blossom [within oneself], greed and vexation as well, by which one’s mind becomes disturbed.

Tassa vaḍḍhanti vedanā anekā rūpasambhavā
Abhijjhā ca vihesā ca cittamassūpahaññati. (Tha 794-5)

Illustration: vihesā, vexation

Why recite these lesser and minor training rules? They only lead to anxiety, vexation, and perplexity.

kiṁ panimehi khuddisante vā sikkhāpadehi uddiṭṭhehi yāvadve kukkuccāya vihesāya vilekhāya saṁvattanti. (Vin.4.143)


viheseyyam: (main article see: vihesā)

Illustration: viheseyyam, harass

If an elder bhikkhu corrects me, he would do so not tenderly concerned for my welfare. I should then tell him “No!” and harass him.

thero cepi maṁ vadeyya ahitānukampī maṁ vadeyya no hitānukampī noti naṁ vadeyyaṁ viheseyyampi. (AN i 78)


vihesiyamānaṁ: (main article see: vihesā)

Illustration: vihesiyamānaṁ, harass

Ānanda, would you just simply passively observe an elder bhikkhu while he is being harassed? Truly, Ānanda, there is certainly no compassion in allowing an elder bhikkhu to be harassed.

atthi nāma ānanda theraṁ bhikkhuṁ vihesiyamānaṁ ajjhupekkhissatha. Na hi nāma ānanda kāruññampi bhavissati theramhi bhikkhumhi vihesiyamānamhī ti. (AN iii 194)

Illustration: vihesaṁ, maliciousness

Furthermore, when a bhikkhu is contemplating maliciousness his mind does not become energised, serene, settled, and intent upon it.

Puna ca paraṁ āvuso bhikkhuno vihesaṁ manasikaroto vihesāya cittaṁ na pakkhandati nappasīdati na santiṭṭhati na vimuccati (read as adhimuccati. See IGPT sv adhimuccati).

But when contemplating compassion his mind becomes energised, serene, settled, and intent upon it.

Avihesaṁ kho panassa manasikaroto avihesāya cittaṁ pakkhandati pasīdati santiṭṭhati vimuccati (read as adhimuccati) . (DN iii 240)

Illustration: vihesā, maliciousness

It is impossible, friend, out of the question, that one might develop and cultivate the liberation [from perceptually obscuring states] through [unlimited] compassion, make it one’s vehicle and practice, carry it out, pursue it, and properly undertake it, yet still maliciousness would plague your mind. There is no such possibility.

Aṭṭhānametaṁ āvuso anavakāso yaṁ karuṇāya cetovimuttiyā bhāvitāya bahulīkatāya yānīkatāya vatthukatāya anuṭṭhitāya paricitāya susamāraddhāya atha ca panassa vihesā cittaṁ pariyādāya ṭhassatī'ti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. Nissaraṇaṁ hetaṁ āvuso vihesāya yadidaṁ karuṇā cetovimutti. (DN iii 249)


avihesā: (main article see: vihesā)

Illustration: avihesā, compassion

This worthless man must have absolutely no sympathy, tender concern, or compassion for living beings.

Na hi nāma bhikkhave tassa moghapurisassa pāṇesu anuddayā anukampā avihesā bhavissati. (Vin.3.42)

Illustrations: vihiṁsa


vihiṁseyya: (main article see: vihesā)

Illustration: vihiṁseyya, harm

One should speak only that speech which is neither a torment to oneself, nor harmful to others. That speech [i.e. speech spoken gently, and with a mind of unlimited goodwill] is indeed well-spoken.

Tameva vācaṁ bhāseyya yāyattānaṁ na tāpaye
Pare ca na vihiṁseyya sā ve vācā subhāsitā. (Tha 1227)


avihiṁsāya: (main article see: vihesā)

Illustration: avihiṁsāya, unharmed

The Atanatiya protective verses are beneficial, and through them bhikkhus, bhikkhunīs, and lay-followers may dwell guarded, protected, unharmed and at ease.

Atthasaṁhitā bhikkhave āṭānāṭiyā rakkhā bhikkhūnaṁ bhikkhuṇīnaṁ upāsakānaṁ upāsikānaṁ guttiyā rakkhāya avihiṁsāya phāsuvihārāyā ti. (DN iii 206)


vihiṁsati: (main article see: vihesā)

Illustration: vihiṁsati, injures

A person who injures with a stick beings who [likewise] desire happiness

Sukhakāmāni bhūtāni yo daṇḍena vihiṁsati. (Uda 12)


vihiṁsa: (main article see: vihesā)

Illustration: vihiṁsa, troublesomeness

Properly reflecting, you should use almsfood not for fun, not for exuberance, not for the sake of comeliness and good looks, but just for the maintenance and nourishment of this [wretched human] body for restraining its troublesomeness, for supporting the religious life.

Paṭisaṅkhā yoniso āhāraṁ āhāreyyāsi neva davāya na madāya na maṇḍanāya na vibhūsanāya yāvadeva imassa kāyassa ṭhitiyā yāpanāya vihiṁsūparatiyā brahmacariyānuggahāya. (MN iii 134)

Illustration: vihiṁsa, troublesomeness

Aware of the troublesomeness of it, Brahmā, I did not preach the excellent and sublime teaching amongst men.

Vihiṁsasaññī paguṇaṁ na bhāsayiṁ dhammaṁ paṇītaṁ manujesu brahme ti. (Vin.1.7)

Illustration: vihiṁsati, troubles

One who troubles the Perfect One with abuse, a peaceful person with a peaceful mind, will see that abuse of him is ineffective.

Evameva tathāgataṁ yo vādena vihiṁsati
Samaggataṁ santacittaṁ vādo tamhi na rūhati. (Iti 86)


vihiṁsā: (main article see: vihesā)

Illustration: vihiṁsā, maliciousness, malicious

Because of the phenomenon of maliciousness, malicious mental imagery arises, malicious thought, malicious desire, malicious passion, malicious quests.

Vihiṁsādhātuṁ bhikkhave paṭicca uppajjati vihiṁsāsaññā. Vihiṁsāsaññaṁ paṭicca uppajjati vihiṁsāsaṅkappo. Vihiṁsāsaṅkappaṁ paṭicca uppajjati vihiṁsāchando. Vihiṁsāchandaṁ paṭicca uppajjati vihiṁsāpariḷāho. Vihiṁsāpariḷāhaṁ paṭicca uppajjati vihiṁsāpariyesanā. (SN ii 151)


vihiṁsakā: (main article see: vihesā)

Illustration: vihiṁsakā, malicious; avihiṁsakā, compassionate

Others will be malicious; we will be compassionate

pare vihiṁsakā bhavissanti mayamettha avihiṁsakā bhavissāmā ti. (MN i 40-1)


vihiṁsāya: (main article see: vihesā)

Illustration: vihiṁsāya, maliciousness; avihiṁsā, compassion

To abandon maliciousness, compassion should be developed.

vihiṁsāya pahānāya avihiṁsā bhāvetabbā. (AN iii 447)

Illustration: vihiṁsā, maliciousness

For this is the liberation from maliciousness, namely the liberation [from perceptually obscuring states] through [unlimited] compassion.

Nissaraṇaṁ hetaṁ āvuso vihesāya yadidaṁ karuṇā cetovimutti. (DN iii 248)


Glossary various Teacher

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Suttas and Dhammadesanā

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