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Samadhi Sutta: (Immeasurable) Concentration

Samadhi Sutta

Summary: The Buddha encourages the practice of the brahmavihara (sublime states of metta, karuna, mudita, and upekkha) as a basis for concentration practice, as it leads to five important realizations.

AN 5.27 PTS: A iii 24

Samadhi Sutta: (Immeasurable) Concentration

translated from the Pali by

Thanissaro Bhikkhu

“Wise & mindful, you should develop immeasurable concentration [i.e., concentration based on immeasurable good will, compassion, appreciation, or equanimity]. When, wise & mindful, one has developed immeasurable concentration, five realizations arise right within oneself. Which five?

“The realization arises right within oneself that 'This concentration is blissful in the present and will result in bliss in the future.'

“The realization arises right within oneself that 'This concentration is noble & not connected with the baits of the flesh.'

“The realization arises right within oneself that 'This concentration is not obtained by base people.'

“The realization arises right within oneself that 'This concentration is peaceful, exquisite, the acquiring of serenity, the attainment of unity, not kept in place by the fabrications of forceful restraint.'

“The realization arises right within oneself that 'I enter into this concentration mindfully, and mindfully I emerge from it.'

“Wise & mindful, you should develop immeasurable concentration. When, wise & mindful, one has developed immeasurable concentration, these five realizations arise right within oneself.”

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en/tipitaka/sut/an/an05/an05.027.than.txt · Last modified: 2019/10/30 13:27 by Johann