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The Great Division

The Mahāvagga includes several sutta-like texts, including an account of the period immediately following the Buddha's Awakening, his first sermons to the group of five monks, and stories of how some of his great disciples joined the Sangha and themselves attained Awakening. Also included are the rules for ordination, for reciting the Patimokkha during uposatha days, and various procedures that monks are to perform during formal gatherings of the community.

The translations are - for the most - by Ven. Khematto who used the previous translations of his mentor, Ven. Thanissaro, translared originaly for the BMC (see note by the translator at the end of the page).

The passages listed below follow the numbering of the CSCD. In regard of the older ATI contributions:

The additional found PTS numbering follows the convention used by I.B. Horner in her PTS English translations.)


I. Mahākhandhako: The Great Khandhaka

  • Mv I 11: Bhaddavaggiyavatthu — The Discussion of the [Alt.: 'line by line'] {CS: Mv I 11,; PTS: Mv I } [ Ven. Khematto ].

    A group of thirty auspicious friend enjoyed themselves with their wifes. One of the lost his partner, and on search for the thievery prostitute, they encounter the Buddha who dwelled in the same forest. Suggested that the discovery of oneself might by more of worth then to go after a wife they listened to the Dhamma and after gained it, the whole group joined the Saṅgha of Bhikkhus.

  • Mv I 12: Uruvelapāṭihāriyakathā — The Discussion of the Marvels at Uruvelā [Alt.: 'line by line'] {CS: Mv I 12,; PTS: Mv I } [ Ven. Khematto ].

    Uruvelakassapa, the leader of 500 coiled-hair ascetics, of himself thinking he is an Arahat, was brought by many different miracles to reard the great contemplative highly. Then told that he is far away of even the path to Arahatship, listening to the Dhamma, he asked for going forth under the Buddha. All fivehunded ascetics and also two other leaders of ascetics with they follower joined the Saṅgha and became Arahats after listening to the 'Fire Sermon'.

II. Uposathakkhandhako: The Uposatha Khandhaka

III. Vassūpanāyikakkhandhako: The Entering-for-the-Rains Khandhaka

IV. Pavāraṇākkhandhako: The Invitation Khandhaka

V. Cammakkhandhako: The Leather Khandhaka

VI. Bhesajjakkhandhako: The Medicine Khandhaka

VII. Kaṭhinakkhandhako: The Kaṭhina Khandhaka

VIII. Cīvarakkhandhako: The Robe-cloth Khandhaka

IX. Campeyyakkhandhako: The Campā Khandhaka

X. Kosambakakkhandhako: The Kosambī Khandhaka

See also:

Note by Ven. Khematto, in regard of his translations:

The Mahāvagga, according to the Royal Thai recension, is the fourth book of the Vinaya Piṭaka of the Pāḷi Canon. The Pāḷi used in this side-by-side translation is taken from that recension, via Digital Pāli Reader, with some variants mentioned. The translation follows the BMC — most of the passages translated there are copied more or less directly — with only minor deviations, usually in order to follow the Pāḷi word order more closely for ease of comparison. Some passages from the Commentary (Com. in notes/or blue) and Sub-commentary (SubC. in notes/or green) have been included, to clarify the meaning of ambiguous passages or expand on points in the Canon. [Source: Mahāvagga</span> on] </div>


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en/tipitaka/vin/mv/index.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/20 15:52 by Johann