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Rājagahaseṭṭhivatthu: The Story of the Money-lender of Rājagaha 'line by line'



Mv VIII 04 PTS: Mv VIII 1.16 | CS: vin.mv.08.04


'Line by Line'

The Story of the Money-lender of Rājagaha


Ven. Khematto Bhikkhu

Alternate translations/layout: Ven. Thanissaro | 'read-friendly' layout

205. rājagahaseṭṭhivatthu (Mv.VIII.1.16) The Story of the Money-lender of Rājagaha

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[132] tena kho pana samayena rājagahakassa seṭṭhissa sattavassiko sīsābādho hoti.Now on that occasion a money-lender of Rājagaha had a seven-year headache.
Bahū mahantā mahantā disāpāmokkhā vejjā āgantvā tikicchantā nāsakkhiṁsu arogaṁ kātuṁ bahuṁ hiraññaṁ ādāya agamaṁsu.Many great doctors, the foremost in all directions, having come to treat him, couldn’t cure him of his illness. Taking a great deal of money, they left.
Apica vejjehi paccakkhāto hoti.It had reached the point where the doctors had given up on him.
Ekacce vejjā evamāhaṁsu pañcamaṁ divasaṁ seṭṭhī gahapati kālaṁ karissatīti.Some doctors said, “On the fifth day, the money-lender will die.”
Ekacce vejjā evamāhaṁsu sattamaṁ divasaṁ seṭṭhī gahapati kālaṁ karissatīti.Some doctors said, “On the seventh day, the money-lender will die.”
athakho rājagahakassa negamassa etadahosiThen the thought occurred to the Rājagaha City Council:
ayaṁ kho seṭṭhī gahapati bahūpakāro rañño ceva negamassa ca apica vejjehi paccakkhāto“This money-lender has done much for the king and for the City Council, and it has reached the point where the doctors have given up on him.
ekacce vejjā evamāhaṁsu pañcamaṁ divasaṁ seṭṭhī gahapati kālaṁ karissatīti ekacce vejjā evamāhaṁsu sattamaṁ divasaṁ seṭṭhī gahapati kālaṁ karissatīti“Some doctors say, ‘On the fifth day, the money-lender will die.’ Some doctors say, ‘On the seventh day, the money-lender will die.’
ayaṁ ca rañño jīvako vejjo taruṇo bhadrako“But there’s this Jīvaka, the king’s doctor, who is young & talented.
yannūna mayaṁ rājānaṁ jīvakaṁ vejjaṁ yāceyyāma seṭṭhiṁ Gahapatiṁ tikicchitunti.“What if we were to ask for Jīvaka from the king to treat the money-lender?”
(Mv.VIII.1.17) athakho rājagahako negamo yena rājā māgadho seniyo bimbisāro tenupasaṅkami upasaṅkamitvā rājānaṁ māgadhaṁ seniyaṁ bimbisāraṁ etadavocaSo the Rājagaha City Council went to King Seniya Bimbisāra and on arrival said to him,
ayaṁ deva seṭṭhī gahapati bahūpakāro devassa ceva negamassa ca apica vejjehi paccakkhāto ekacce vejjā evamāhaṁsu pañcamaṁ divasaṁ seṭṭhī gahapati kālaṁ karissatīti ekacce vejjā evamāhaṁsu sattamaṁ divasaṁ seṭṭhī gahapati kālaṁ karissatīti“Your majesty, this money-lender has done much for the king and for the City Council, and it has reached the point where the doctors have given up on him. Some doctors say, ‘On the fifth day, the money-lender will die.’ Some doctors say, ‘On the seventh day, the money-lender will die.’
sādhu devo jīvakaṁ vejjaṁ āṇāpetu seṭṭhiṁ gahapatiṁ tikicchitunti.“It would be good if your majesty would command doctor Jīvaka to treat the money-lender.”
athakho rājā māgadho seniyo bimbisāro jīvakaṁ komārabhaccaṁ āṇāpesi gaccha bhaṇe jīvaka seṭṭhiṁ gahapatiṁ tikicchāhīti.So King Seniya Bimbisāra commanded Jīvaka Komārabhacca: “Go, I say, Jīvaka, and treat the money-lender.”
evaṁ devāti kho jīvako komārabhacco rañño māgadhassa seniyassa bimbisārassa paṭissuṇitvā yena seṭṭhī gahapati tenupasaṅkami upasaṅkamitvā seṭṭhissa gahapatissa vikāraṁ sallakkhetvā seṭṭhiṁ gahapatiṁ etadavoca sacāhantaṁ gahapati arogaṁ kareyyaṁ kiṁ me assa deyyadhammoti.Responding, “As you say, your majesty,” to the king, Jīvaka Komārabhacca went to the money-lender. On arrival, after observing the money-lender’s symptoms, he said to him, “If I were to cure you, householder, what would be my reward?”
Sabbaṁ sāpateyyañca te ācariya hotu ahañca te dāsoti.“All my property will be yours, teacher, and I your slave.”
(Mv.VIII.1.18) Sakkhasi pana tvaṁ gahapati ekena passena satta māse nipajjitunti.“But, householder, can you lie on one side for seven months?”
Sakkomahaṁ ācariya ekena passena satta māse nipajjitunti.“Teacher, I can lie on one side for seven months.”
Sakkhasi pana tvaṁ gahapati dutiyena passena satta māse nipajjitunti.“And can you lie on the other side for seven months?”
Sakkomahaṁ ācariya dutiyena passena satta māse Nipajjitunti.“I can lie on the other side for seven months.”
Sakkhasi pana tvaṁ gahapati uttāno satta māse nipajjitunti.“And can you lie on your back for seven months?”
Sakkomahaṁ ācariya uttāno satta māse nipajjitunti.“I can lie on my back for seven months.”
athakho jīvako komārabhacco seṭṭhiṁ gahapatiṁ mañcake nipajjāpetvā mañcake sambandhitvā sīsacchaviṁ uppāṭetvā sibbiniṁ vināmetvā dve pāṇake nīharitvā janassa dassesiThen Jīvaka Komārabhacca, having had the money-lender lie on a bed, having bound him to the bed, made an incision in the skin of his head. Drilling a hole in his skull [Note: Literally: ‘opening the sutures of his skull’] and drawing out two creatures, he showed them to the people:
passatha ime dve pāṇake ekaṁ khuddakaṁ ekaṁ mahallakaṁ“See these two creatures, one small, the other large?
ye te ācariyā evamāhaṁsu pañcamaṁ divasaṁ seṭṭhī gahapati kālaṁ karissatīti tehāyaṁ mahallako pāṇako diṭṭho“Those teachers who said, ‘On the fifth day, the money-lender will die,’ had seen this large creature.
pañcamaṁ divasaṁ seṭṭhissa gahapatissa matthaluṅgaṁ pariyādayissati matthaluṅgassa pariyādānā seṭṭhī gahapati kālaṁ karissati“By the fifth day it would have consumed the money-lender’s brain. From the consumption of his brain, the money-lender would have died.
sudiṭṭho tehi ācariyehi“That was well-seen by those teachers.
yepi te ācariyā evamāhaṁsu sattamaṁ divasaṁ seṭṭhī gahapati kālaṁ karissatīti tehāyaṁ khuddako pāṇako diṭṭho sattamaṁ divasaṁ seṭṭhissa gahapatissa matthaluṅgaṁ pariyādayissati matthaluṅgassa pariyādānā seṭṭhī gahapati kālaṁ karissati sudiṭṭho tehipi ācariyehīti“Those teachers who said, ‘On the seventh day, the money-lender will die,’ had seen this small creature. By the seventh day it would have consumed the money-lender’s brain. From the consumption of his brain, the money-lender would have died. That was well-seen by those teachers, too.”
sibbiniṁ sampaṭicchādetvā sīsacchaviṁ sibbetvā ālepaṁ adāsi.Closing the hole in the skull and stitching the skin of the head, he applied an ointment.
(Mv.VIII.1.19) athakho seṭṭhī gahapati sattāhassa accayena jīvakaṁ komārabhaccaṁ etadavoca nāhaṁ ācariya sakkomi ekena passena satta māse nipajjitunti.Then the money-lender, after the passing of seven days, said to Jīvaka Komārabhacca, “Teacher, I can’t lie on one side for seven months.”
Nanu me tvaṁ gahapati paṭissuṇi sakkomahaṁ ācariya ekena passena Satta māse nipajjitunti.“But didn’t you respond to me, householder, ‘Teacher, I can lie on one side for seven months’?”
Saccāhaṁ ācariya paṭissuṇiṁ apāhaṁ marissāmi nāhaṁ sakkomi ekena passena satta māse nipajjitunti.“It’s true, teacher, that I responded (in that way). But I will die. I can’t lie on one side for seven months.”
tenahi tvaṁ gahapati dutiyena passena satta māse nipajjāhīti.“In that case, householder, lie on the other side for seven months.”
athakho seṭṭhī gahapati sattāhassa accayena jīvakaṁ komārabhaccaṁ etadavoca nāhaṁ ācariya sakkomi dutiyena passena satta māse nipajjitunti.Then the money-lender, after the passing of seven days, said to Jīvaka Komārabhacca, “Teacher, I can’t lie on the other side for seven months.”
Nanu me tvaṁ gahapati paṭissuṇi sakkomahaṁ ācariya dutiyena passena satta māse nipajjitunti.“But didn’t you respond to me, householder, ‘I can lie on the other side for seven months’?”
Saccāhaṁ ācariya paṭissuṇiṁ apāhaṁ marissāmi nāhaṁ sakkomi dutiyena passena satta māse nipajjitunti.“It’s true, teacher, that I responded (in that way). But I will die. I can’t lie on the other side for seven months.”
tenahi tvaṁ gahapati uttāno satta māse nipajjāhīti.“In that case, householder, lie on your back for seven months.”
athakho seṭṭhī gahapati sattāhassa accayena jīvakaṁ komārabhaccaṁ etadavoca nāhaṁ ācariya sakkomi uttāno satta māse nipajjitunti.Then the money-lender, after the passing of seven days, said to Jīvaka Komārabhacca, “Teacher, I can’t lie on my back for seven months.”
Nanu me tvaṁ gahapati paṭissuṇī sakkomahaṁ ācariya uttāno satta māse nipajjitunti.“But didn’t you respond to me, householder, ‘I can lie on my back for seven months’?”
Saccāhaṁ ācariya paṭissuṇiṁ apāhaṁ marissāmi nāhaṁ sakkomi uttāno satta māse nipajjitunti.“It’s true, teacher, that I responded (in that way). But I will die. I can’t lie on my back for seven months.”
(Mv.VIII.1.20) Ahañce taṁ gahapati na vadeyyaṁ ettakaṁpi tvaṁ na nipajjeyyāsi apica paṭikaccevāsi mayā ñāto tīhi sattāhehi seṭṭhī gahapati arogo bhavissatīti uṭṭhehi gahapati arogosi jānāhi kiṁ me deyyadhammoti.“Householder, if I hadn’t said that to you, you would not have lied down for this long. But I knew beforehand, ‘In three times seven days the money-lender will be cured.’ Get up, householder. Know that you are cured. What is my reward?”
Sabbaṁ sāpateyyañca te ācariya hotu ahañca te dāsoti.“All my property is yours, teacher, and I am your slave.”
Alaṁ gahapati mā Me tvaṁ sabbaṁ sāpateyyaṁ adāsi mā ca me dāso rañño satasahassaṁ dehi mayhaṁ satasahassanti.“Enough, householder. Don’t give me all your property and don’t be my slave. Give 100,000 to the king and 100,000 to us.”
athakho seṭṭhī gahapati arogo samāno rañño satasahassaṁ adāsi jīvakassa komārabhaccassa satasahassaṁ.So the money-lender gave 100,000 to the king and 100,000 to Jīvaka Komārabhacca.


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