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Suttavibhanga: (selected texts)




(selected texts)

The Suttavibhanga contains the basic training rules for bhikkhus and bhikkhunis, along with the “origin story” for each one. These rules are summarized in the Patimokkha, and amount to 227 rules for the bhikkhus, 311 for the bhikkhunis. The Patimokkkha rules are grouped as follows:

  • Parajika: rules entailing expulsion from the Sangha (Defeat) (4 for bhikkhus, 8 for bhikkhunis)
  • Sanghadisesa: rules entailing an initial and subsequent meeting of the Sangha (13, 17)
  • Aniyata (indefinite) rules (2, 0)
  • Nissaggiya pacittiya: rules entailing forfeiture and confession (30, 30)
  • Pacittiya: rules entailing confession (92, 166)
  • Patidesaniya: rules entailing acknowledgement (4, 8)
  • Sekhiya: rules of training (75, 75)
  • Adhikarana samatha: rules for settling disputes (7, 7)

Summaries and anthologies based on the Suttavibhanga:


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en/tipitaka/vin/sv/index.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/24 09:15 by Johann