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en:tech:ati.eu_syntax syntax

General syntax of the given enviroment here, please see Dokuwiki Syntax

See Links and Interwiki - Links. It's recommended to use interwiki links when crosslinking. Generally absolute links to the url are better as what ever relativ way possible.



General infomation about this layout-plugin see wrap plugin.

Wrap usage and codes on

Additional syling is placed in the created file .css. Additional stylings should be made possible here (Infos) using this syntax .wrap_aticlass and mode is set that div and span, aside of WRAP and wrap can be used.


css code

/* wrap span wrap_sgdana , see ..en/tech/ati.eu_syntax#wrap_sgdana */
.dokuwiki span.wrap_sgdana {
background: #EEEEEE url(lib/images/sgdana.png) no-repeat 0.2em 0.1em;
border-radius: 0.4em;
color: #A8B5D6;
padding-left: 2em;
<span sgdana>{Used for pointing on possibilities and encouragements.}</span>

{Used for pointing on possibilities and encouragements.}

Usage: can be put and used everywhere.

id alt_spell

Addition of an id to the existing span hide-tag.

<span hide #alt_spell>add a spelling</span><- Unseen! for indexing use.

add a spelling← Unseen! for indexing use.

Usage: Especially for wiki an dictionary pages. Putting it right under the main heading, h1.

Fell given and free to add and modify stylings.


filelist plugin

Gives a nice listing of media-files like files here.


See plugin:filelist for detail syntax.

catlist plugin

(Remark: Not working at the moment. Example removed for now while searching for error.)

Displays pages in a certain namespace in various ways.

Sample gives existing pages in tech, begining with “a-m” with a “regex” inside.

<catlist en:tech: -exclupage:"en:tech:[^a-m]" -noHead -columns:4 -sortAscending>

See plugin:cartlist for detail syntax.

bockquote plugin

{css issue is not fixed now Remove this when done.}

Infos see blockquote.

There is current a css breaking hack put into changed css conf/userstyle.css and the plugins lib/plugin/blockquote/style.css. It seems to conflict with “custom background” ( — will be displayed as ?) and it's overwritting power, Not figured out the usage yet.

original css-code

/* blockquote */
.dokuwiki blockquote.blockquote-plugin {
    border: 1px dotted __border__;
    background: __background_alt__ url(images/blockquote.gif) no-repeat 0.3em 0.3em;
    padding: 1em;
    /* prevent plugin to interfere with expanded ToC when there's one */
    overflow: hidden;
    /* Fix placement with the rule above (original margins were: 1em 3em 1em 3em */
    margin: 1em auto 1em auto;
    /* Get closer to initial design when there's enough space (ie. 3em left and right margins) */
    max-width: 90%;
/* cite */
.dokuwiki cite.blockquote-plugin {
    font-style: italic;
.dokuwiki blockquote.blockquote-plugin cite.blockquote-plugin {
    text-align: right;
    display: block;
.dokuwiki blockquote.blockquote-plugin cite.blockquote-plugin:before {
    content: " — ";
/* q */
.dokuwiki q.blockquote-plugin {
    border: 1px dotted __border__;
    background: __background_alt__;
    /* CSS quotes property quotation mark entity numbers can be customized */
    quotes: "\0022" "\0022" "\0027" "\0027";

modified css-code added in both css:

/* blockquote */
.dokuwiki blockquote.blockquote-plugin {
    border: none !important;
    background: #FFFFFF url(images/blockquote.gif) no-repeat 0.1em 0.1em !important;
    padding: 1em;
    /* prevent plugin to interfere with expanded ToC when there's one */
    overflow: hidden;
    /* Fix placement with the rule above (original margins were: 1em 3em 1em 3em */
    margin: 2em auto 2em auto;
    /* Get closer to initial design when there's enough space (ie. 3em left and right margins) */
    max-width: 90%;
/* cite */
.dokuwiki cite.blockquote-plugin {
    font-style: italic;
.dokuwiki blockquote.blockquote-plugin cite.blockquote-plugin {
    text-align: right;
    display: block;
.dokuwiki blockquote.blockquote-plugin cite.blockquote-plugin:before {
    content: "?";
/* q */
.dokuwiki q.blockquote-plugin {
    border: 1px dotted __border__;
    background: __background_alt__;
    /* CSS quotes property quotation mark entity numbers can be customized */
    quotes: "\0022" "\0022" "\0027" "\0027";

Usage: Thought for simple quotations with “cite-reference”.

Ati-page wrap stylings

See also (currently by replacements destroyed) import_zze


“Backup”-copy of css-files, images, etc. used for stylings.


roundcube-overview.png85.2 KiB2020/12/06 08:40
roundcube-login.png16.7 KiB2020/12/06 08:40
roundcube-compose.png77.2 KiB2020/12/06 08:40
thunderbird-account-settings.png127.8 KiB2020/04/21 17:57
thunderbird-new-account-3.png58.6 KiB2020/04/21 17:57
thunderbird-new-account.png27.8 KiB2020/04/21 17:57
thunderbird-new-account-2.png52.6 KiB2020/04/21 17:57
sgdana.png852.0 B2018/08/17 15:43

zip-files (for css-files and other restricted file-types:

userall.css.zip1.6 KiB2018/08/17 15:46


See also: [] syntax and styling issues

Anumodana! — Johann 2018/08/17 12:50
en/tech/ati.eu_syntax.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/13 13:14 by