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viveka {pi}

Pāḷi; √ viveka
alt. sp.: IPA: ʋɪʋeːkə, Velthuis: viveka, readable: viveka, simple: viveka
translation ~: seclusion, solitude
khmer: វិវេក
thai: วิเวก
sinhal.: විවේක
burm.: ဝိဝေက


[dic] viveka

viveka: seclusion, solitude.

ATI Glossary

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Buddhist Dictionary

by late Ven. Nyanalokita Thera:

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PTS Dictionary

by the Pali Text Society:


Glossary Thanissaro

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Illustrated Glossary of Pāli Terms

by Ven. Varado Maha Thera:


Parenthesis: seclusion [from sensuous pleasures and spiritually unwholesome factors]

Viveka usually has no designated object. Our parenthesis comes from this quote:

• Secluded from sensuous pleasures and spiritually unwholesome factors, a bhikkhu enters and abides in first jhāna, which is accompanied by thinking and pondering, and rapture and physical pleasure born of seclusion [from sensuous pleasures and spiritually unwholesome factors].

Idhāvuso visākha bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṁ savicāraṁ vivekajaṁ pītisukhaṁ paṭhamaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati. (MN i 301)

Because vivekajaṁ corresponds to vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi, therefore viveka = seclusion [from sensuous pleasures and spiritually unwholesome factors].

Viveka = vavakaṭṭha & nekkhamma

Our renderings for vavakaṭṭha and nekkhamma are:

In the following quote vivekaninnaṁ cittaṁ hoti equals vavakaṭṭhaṁ plus nekkhammābhirataṁ:

• His mind inclines, verges, and drifts towards seclusion [from sensuous pleasures and spiritually unwholesome factors]. It is withdrawn [from sensuous pleasures and spiritually unwholesome factors], taking delight in the practice of unsensuousness.

vivekaninnaṁ cittaṁ hoti vivekapoṇaṁ vivekapabbhāraṁ vavakaṭṭhaṁ nekkhammābhirataṁ. (AN iv 224)

Therefore, again, viveka = ‘seclusion [from sensuous pleasures and spiritually unwholesome factors].’

Viveka means physical seclusion, metri causa

Paviveka not viveka means physical seclusion. Only in verse does viveka mean physical seclusion, metri causa. See Glossary sv Paviveka.



vivekā: (main article see: viveka)

Illustration: vivekā, seclusion [from sensuous pleasures and spiritually unwholesome factors]

Abiding attached within the inner recesses of the heart, covered in defilement and steeped in confusion, such a being is far from seclusion [from sensuous pleasures and spiritually unwholesome factors]. Abandoning the pleasures of the world is truly difficult.

Satto guhāyaṁ bahunābhicchanno tiṭṭhaṁ naro mohanasmiṁ pagāḷho;
Dūre vivekā hi tathāvidho so kāmā hi loke na hi suppahāyā. (Snp 772)

Illustration: viveka, seclusion [from sensuous pleasures and spiritually unwholesome factors]

A person who is not attached to the future, who does not grieve over the past, who finds seclusion [from sensuous pleasures and spiritually unwholesome factors] amidst sensation, and is not led into dogmatic views;

Nirāsatti anāgate atītaṁ nānusocati
Vivekadassī phassesu diṭṭhīsu ca na nīyati. (Snp 851)


vivekaṁ: (main article see: viveka)

Illustration: vivekaṁ, seclusion [from sensuous pleasures and spiritually unwholesome factors]

I ask the enlightened kinsman of the Sun clan, the great Seer, about seclusion [from sensuous pleasures and spiritually unwholesome factors] and about the Peaceful State. Seeing in what way is a bhikkhu freed from passion, grasping nothing in the world?

Pucchāmi taṁ ādiccabandhu vivekaṁ santipadañca mahesi;
Kathaṁ disvā nibbāti bhikkhu anupādiyāno lokasmiṁ kiñci. (Snp 915)

Illustration: viveka, seclusion [from sensuous pleasures and spiritually unwholesome factors]

For a long time his mind has inclined, verged and drifted towards seclusion [from sensuous pleasures and spiritually unwholesome factors].

yaṁ hi taṁ bhikkhave cittaṁ dīgharattaṁ vivekaninnaṁ vivekapoṇaṁ vivekapabbhāraṁ.

Thus there is no possibility that he will return to lay life.

Taṁ vata hīnāyāvattissatīti netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati. (SN v 53)

Illustration: viveka, seclusion [from sensuous pleasures and spiritually unwholesome factors]

When a bhikkhu has emerged from the attainment of the ending of perception and sense impression his mind inclines, verges, and drifts towards seclusion [from sensuous pleasures and spiritually unwholesome factors].

Saññāvedayitanirodhasamāpattiyā vuṭṭhitassa kho āvuso visākha bhikkhuno vivekaninnaṁ cittaṁ hoti vivekapoṇaṁ vivekapabbhāranti. (MN i 302)

Illustration: viveka, seclusion [from sensuous pleasures and spiritually unwholesome factors]

A certain bhikkhu had gone for his daytime abiding, but kept thinking unvirtuous, spiritually unwholesome thoughts associated with the household life.

pāpake akusale vitakke vitakketi gehanissite.

Then the deva inhabiting that woodland grove, being tenderly concerned for that bhikkhu, desiring his spiritual well-being, desiring to stir up in him an earnest attitude [to the practice] (saṁvejetukāmā), approached him and addressed him in verses:

Desiring seclusion [from sensuous pleasures and spiritually unwholesome factors] you entered the woods,

Vivekakāmosi vanaṁ paviṭṭho

Yet your mind gushes outwardly.

atha te mano niccharatī bahiddhā

Eliminate, man, your fondness for people;

Jano janasmiṁ vinayassu chandaṁ

Then you’ll be truly happy, free of attachment.

tato sukhī hohisi vītarāgo. (SN i 197)

Illustration: viveka, seclusion [from sensuous pleasures and spiritually unwholesome factors]

In this regard a bhikkhu develops the enlightenment factor of mindfulness (… detached awareness) which conduces to seclusion [from sensuous pleasures and spiritually unwholesome factors], to non-attachment [to originated phenomena], to the ending [of originated phenomena], and which results in the relinquishment [of the whole phenomenon of attachment].

Idha bhikkhave bhikkhu satisambojjhaṅgaṁ bhāveti (… upekkhāsambojjhaṅgaṁ bhāveti) vivekanissitaṁ virāganissitaṁ nirodhanissitaṁ vossaggapariṇāmiṁ. (SN v 78)

Illustration: viveka, seclusion [from sensuous pleasures and spiritually unwholesome factors]

He who is not relying on [the fulfilment of any] expectation [for anything in the world], who has discovered seclusion [from sensuous pleasures and spiritually unwholesome factors], who has gone beyond the dogmatism experienced by others, and for whom there are no bases whatsoever [for the establishment of his stream of consciousness]: the Perfect One is worthy of the oblation.

Āsaṁ anissāya vivekadassī paravediyaṁ diṭṭhimupātivatto
Ārammaṇā yassa na santi keci tathāgato arahati pūraḷāsaṁ. (Snp 474)

Illustration: viveka, seclusion [from sensuous pleasures and spiritually unwholesome factors]

One is the path to worldly gain, another the path leading to the Untroubled. Fully understanding this, the bhikkhu, the disciple of the Buddha, should not take delight in worldly honour. He should cultivate seclusion [from sensuous pleasures and spiritually unwholesome factors] instead.

Aññā hi lābhūpanisā aññā nibbānagāminī
Evametaṁ abhiññāya bhikkhu buddhassa sāvako
Sakkāraṁ nābhinandeyya vivekamanubrūhaye. (Dhp 75)


viveke: (main article see: viveka)

Illustration: viveke, seclusion [from sensuous pleasures and spiritually unwholesome factors]

Tell us of the distress, dear sir, that befalls one who is applied to sexual intercourse. Having heard your explanation we will train ourselves in seclusion [from sensuous pleasures and spiritually unwholesome factors].

Methunamanuyuttassa vighātaṁ brūhi mārisa
Sutvāna tava sāsanaṁ viveke sikkhissāmase. (Snp 818)


viveko: (main article see: viveka)

Illustration: viveko, physical seclusion (=paviveko)

Blissful is the physical seclusion of one who is content [with what is paltry and easily gotten], who has heard the teaching, and who sees [the nature of reality].

Sukho viveko tuṭṭhassa sutadhammassa passato. (Uda 10)

Illustration: viveka, physical seclusion (=paviveka)

Just as the Veramba wind blows clouds in the rainy season, so [in the city of Veramba] mental images connected with physical seclusion [would] overwhelm me.

Yathā abbhāni verambo vāto nudati pāvuse
Saññā me abhikīranti vivekapaṭisaṁyuttā. (Tha 589)


Glossary various Teacher

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See also

Suttas and Dhammadesanā

Viveka: (seclusion, solitude). See also Wilderness.


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