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Alte Neuigkeiten Archiv: November-Dezember 1998

Alte Neuigkeiten Archiv


Alte Neuigkeiten Archiv

November-Dezember 1998

Übersetzung ins Deutsche von:

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  • [23 Dezember 1998] The Handful of Leaves CD-ROMs is on its way to a mailbox near you… I've just about finished mailing out the CDs from the mailing list that had accumulated over the past few months. There is a limited number of CDs still available. Please see the Bulletin for more details.
  • [16 Dezember 1998] The Handful of Leaves CD-ROM has arrived! I will be mailing out the CDs over the next week or two. Please see the Bulletin for more details.
  • [15 November 1998] Another sutta on life in the wilderness, from the Majjhima Nikaya:


  • Bhaya-bherava Sutta (MN 4) &mdash; Fear & Terror. What does it take to be able to live in solitude in the wilderness, completely free of fear? The Buddha explains.
  • [12 November 1998] The Handful of Leaves CD-ROM is now at the printer… The CD is now in the hands of the printer/duplicator, and should be ready for mailing in about two weeks. If you've been putting off sending in your postcard to reserve a copy, now's the time

. </ul>

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Anumodana puñña kusala!

de/news/news9811.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2019/10/30 13:23 von Johann